Opportunities for Experts

Opportunities are available for the institutions to be the co-hosts; and for the individual to be the advisory members, chairs for scientific sessions, invited speakers, jury members etc. Any interested academicians are invited to submit their resume and request for consideration to scstcell@annauniv.com / cheup-gp2023@annauniv.edu to be co-hosts, advisory members, chairs, speakers, jury members.

Opportunities for Delegates

Anna University SC-ST Cell Appreciation Award based on your societal contributions for the development of higher education, implementation of government policies and for ensuring social justice.


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Event Details
  • Sunday, 05 November 2017
  • 2:00 PM – 3:30 PM
  • Mas Montagnette,
  • 198 West 21th Street, NY
  • +1 485-048-1995
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