Student Mobile/Tablet App Competition

SC/ST Cell of Anna University announces a competitive program for developing interactive and ingenious mobile/tablet applications in the following theme:

Education and Career Guidance

The primary motive is to recognize the innovative ideas that can leverage mobile technology, in conjunction with networking, computing, and analytics, to have socially impactful solutions that take into account regional and social factors. The participants are free to incorporate any system architecture, including stand-alone, peer-to-peer, Cloud/mobile, client-server, etc. Participants should build their mobile application using a native Android mobile web app

Participants should submit a proposal to the competition as described below. App proposals that are shortlisted will have the opportunity to make a brief presentation. Selected one or more Apps for awards by a panel of judges, and the winning teams will be awarded a certificate and a cash prize.

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  • Last date for submission extended to
    07th April, 2023
  • Results announcement on or before
    10th April 2023
Submission Guidelines

Participants should submit

  • A two-page proposal in PDF format
  • A link to a brief video 2-5 mins long uploaded to YouTube
  • A link to an App Store, GitHub repository, or website from where the app can be downloaded and evaluated
  • A link to the source code for the lab and relevant services

If the application requires backend server support, the services must be working at the time of evaluation. The proposal should have the following details:

Rules and Eligibility

  • All developers of the app should be listed as authors in the proposal. An individual or a team of up to 4 students from an AICTE-recognized institution can submit the proposal in the competition.
  • All the authors must be undergraduate or graduate students.
  • The submission must be unique and innovative and should hold sufficient differences from the existing apps in the market.
  • The developed app must run on a real-world platform (only simulation of the proposed app is not allowed).
  • The app should not violate any copyright laws, such as using unauthorized logos, images, videos, and so on, or containing any promotional or abusive content.
  • The app must not already be published on any online platform (like Google play store, or Apple app store). The app or the proposal should not have appeared in any other previous competitions.
  • Proposals that are accepted will be the property of Anna University. Authors will retain all rights to the app. The authors should submit the source code under the Anna University license.


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Event Details
  • Sunday, 05 November 2017
  • 2:00 PM – 3:30 PM
  • Mas Montagnette,
  • 198 West 21th Street, NY
  • +1 485-048-1995
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